Provincial Accommodations

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Hi KO Families. This discussion forum is to assist families in organizing shared accommodation for Provincials.
This year our provincial meet takes place at UBC from August 17-23. The BCSSA with UBC has created an opportunity to book rooms in UBC’s residency. The options are a Private suite with six bedrooms, each with a single bed. Sleeps up to six people. Washroom with two showers (no bathtub), lounge with TV, wired internet, and fully equipped kitchen. Located on floors 2 to 9 in each Tower. Apartment does not have air conditioning.
Suite is sold at a flat rate of $338 + tax per night regardless of number of occupants; maximum of 6 guests per suite. Occupants must have the same check-in and check-out dates. When you book a credit card is required.
It is up to you if you want to organize with other families to split this cost. Each Region has a specific link to be able to book for this event, If all the rooms get booked, UBC has agreed to open another tower so if you are unsure to come, book anyways.
This discussion forum is open for anyone to see so please ensure you don’t post anything that should be private.

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